Our Team
Lee Wiggins
Lee started his career with Tullett & Tokyo, a financial brokerage Company becoming their youngest board member in 1993. He had a very successful career in London working for a number of banks and brokerage houses. After leaving, London he became a property developer building a strong portfolio in the UK. Lee helped develop a rainforest project in Papua New Guinea from inception to full verification and issuance of voluntary credits.
Imed Belkacem
A seasoned business professional with a remarkable track record in the corporate world. Renowned for his numerous successes, specializes in forging deals and navigating complex negotiations, particularly within the realm of governmental collaborations. Served as an advisor to the Tunisian Prime Minister and has not only garnered respect domestically but has also established his presence among international leaders. His extensive network and annual participation in Davos underscore his role in influencing global decision-makers and contributing to impactful international dialogues.